How Far Do You Want To Go
How far do you want to go with God and His Word? If I walked up to an airline ticket counter, I could say to the clerk behind the counter, “Please give me a ticket.” But the first thing the […]
How far do you want to go with God and His Word? If I walked up to an airline ticket counter, I could say to the clerk behind the counter, “Please give me a ticket.” But the first thing the […]
I was never taught to give in the denomination in which I was raised. Like all the other children, I always had some coins to put into the offering at Sunday School. Later, as a teenager, I reluctantly […]
[…]Even in this advanced space age, fear is still the number one problem of nations, leaders and individuals. The message of Christmas is that God has the answer to fear. Learn how you can be free from the fears that
In John chapter 1 and verse 18, we have this tremendous statement: “No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten son, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.” The son whom the Father loved, […]
Faith is a word that believers use with great abandon, yet often we do not use it correctly. When Vivien and I were first courting, I said to her, “You look beautiful… by faith”, and then I would add the […]
At one time in my spiritual quest I read the Bible right through in one year — three and a half chapters each day. I read over many great verses that I am now discovering with joy and enthusiasm. I […]
I’ve always been a lover of books and I guess this love was placed into me from a very early age by my parents giving so many to me. One book that I purchased when I was a young man […]
It has been my object to view the man in Christ in this special connection;–to consider the blessings which he derives, and the duties for which he is responsible, from the simple, but all-important fact, that he is in Christ. […]
The view which I now purpose to exhibit of the man in Christ, is that of his entire and final security. He is in a state in which the mercy of God has placed him, unalterably and finally secure. How […]
The man in Christ, we have already considered, as deeply serious in a retrospection upon his life past, and truly happy in the enjoyment of his present condition. From a consideration of these facts, we will pass on to remark […]