Colossal Colossians
You can live and grow in Christ in a hostile world. To live God’s way today you need a stable person resident in your life, and that person is Christ. You cannot live a fulfilled life without Christ. I know […]
You can live and grow in Christ in a hostile world. To live God’s way today you need a stable person resident in your life, and that person is Christ. You cannot live a fulfilled life without Christ. I know […]
A fact is often a more useful thing, for immediate needs, than a promise. That is why God has given us, in His Word, so many clear statements concerning facts that we need to know, along with His precious promises. […]
In the early days of my ministry, German philosophy had gained the ascendancy in many of our theological institutions, and there came a strange new slogan. You heard it continuously — “Back to Jesus.” It captured my imagination but I […]
“Of him are ye in Christ Jesus.”–I Corinthians 1:30.
I take this text, because it appears to me to contain the fundamental idea, which underlies the whole range of the Epistles, and gives the specific character […]
This classic and scholarly work deserves a wide circulation among the people of God, especially those who love God’s Word and are hungry for deeper truth.
The Church Epistles was first published in book form in 1902 from a […]
All of life is a choice. Every day we choose between tea and coffee, we choose whether to get up or stay in bed, we choose whether to read the newspaper or watch television. In our democratic countries we even […]
Before I share in detail some aspects of this great subject, I first want to draw your attention to a few basic verses concerning the believer’s use of the mind. The key verse is Romans 12:2, and we will spend […]
The mind of the believer and its place in a Christian’s daily life is a subject of great importance. It is important because it is the key to power, and because the Word of God gives so much emphasis to […]
Being in Christ is bigger than we supposed. Instead of being within the sphere of influence of a historical figure, who faintly and indirectly operates on us as any other historical figure, perhaps a little more vividly and vitally, we […]
Fifty-two years ago I knelt before a chair with a letter spread out before me — a letter from a mission board secretary, asking me to go to India. I knew that the answering of that letter might determine my […]