Positive Words, Inc. presents...


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Jesus is Reality

John 14:6 has not only been a challenge, but has been a thrilling joy. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." What a confession that was! ... He not only said, "I [...]

A Quiet Talk About Jesus’ Birth

Then Jesus came. His coming was greeted with great gladness above, and great silence below. Above, the stars sent a special messenger to bid Him welcome to the earth they lightened and brightened. Below, the rusty hinges of earth's inn refused to swing for Him. [...]

Citizens or family?

Many televangelists talk about the Kingdom of God. One this week is offering a product titled "Benefits of Kingdom Living". When I see this emphasis I feel they still have a little way to go. Would you rather be a citizen of the Kingdom of [...]

No need for tags

I came across a new tag this week that partly describes my theological position. Whenever someone discovers I am a minister of the gospel, they always ask, "What church are you with?" By that they really mean, "Which denomination?" As my good friend Norman Campbell [...]

Have an eye-opener from God’s Word!

"Eye-opener: An enlightening or surprising circumstance." In the hymn book of the first three churches I pastored was a hymn by Clara Scott (1841-1897), "Open my eyes that I might see." You might even sing it in your church. A music teacher at a ladies' [...]

How to Outperform the Peter Principle

Just in case you think I'm the one who invented the principle, I have to disclaim ownership, and gladly so. The Peter Principle was proclaimed by Dr Lawrence Peter, who said that in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his or her level [...]

What shall I preach about this Sunday?

In our early life as pastors, my wife and I had this thing going every week, usually midweek. I would ask her, "What shall I preach about this Sunday?" and she would give the standard reply... "Preach about God and about 20 minutes!" Ah, those [...]

Imitators or participators

"We have become partakers of Christ" (Hebrews 3:14). One cannot make a study of the New Testament without experiencing something of the nature of a shock, in view of the glaring difference between the Christian life as we customarily live it and the ideal set [...]

Fruit that increases

In this final article on Paul's Prosperity Plan I want to emphasize an illustration he employs in Philippians 4:17, "Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit" (ESV). Notice the word "fruit", the part of the plant [...]

A dangerous root

Another passage relating to Paul's Prosperity Plan is found in I Timothy chapter 6. A friend recently asked me to comment on an online article opposed to the prosperity teaching of a popular TV evangelist, and under the heading of "False Promise #1: Financial Prosperity [...]


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