Positive Words, Inc. presents...


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Believing and Risk

The word "believe" is a nugget of pure gold, whether you take our English word or John's word lying underneath. The underneath word, that John uses in his own mother tongue, runs a sliding scale of meaning.     It's a ladder rising from bottom round to [...]

You need someone to teach you again!

During the recent "In Christ" seminars in the US, I shocked some people when I said I was not only an Ephesians 4 teacher but also a Hebrews 5:12 teacher. That sent them to their Bibles! "By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, [...]

We also are weak in Him

This phrase from II Corinthians 13:4 jumps up to get your attention in the list of "In Christ" scriptures. "We are weak" and "we are... in him", both are true, but are we "weak in him" (Christ, verse 3)? That is what we call an [...]

Bibles are not translated by atheists!

Here's a statement from the internet this week: "Bibles are not translated by atheists. If they were, maybe they would be more accurate" -- Ray Smith. This was in answer to a question about which translation would be best to use. It was so much [...]

Expire to Inspire

When I was a young man, I once went to a voice trainer. She was a rather large woman -- not fat or flabby, just solid. I had hardly crossed the threshold into her studio when she barked at me: "Expire!" I said, "Expire? But [...]

Nothing Quite So Boring

To be entirely honest, I know of nothing quite so boring as Christianity without Christ. Countless people have stopped going to a place of worship simply because they are sick of going through the motions of a dead religion. They are tired of trying to [...]

The Positive Power Invested

Jesus expressed His power in many ways -- to forgive, encourage, heal, love, among others. Jesus knew that all believers needed this power, and so He taught His disciples what it was and how they were to receive it. Just before He ascended to heaven [...]

There’s Positive Power to Heal

One way Jesus Christ expressed the positive power of God was in the field of healing. In fact, you cannot consider the subject of healing without recognizing that Jesus is the foremost exponent of spiritual healing. While there is a sprinkling of healings in the [...]

There’s Positive Power in Encouragement

Yes, there is real positive power in a word of encouragement, especially when that word is a statement of truth. Truth encourages -- facts discourage! Each of us needs encouraging words in our daily walk, and Christians should be in the forefront of those giving [...]

There’s Positive Power to Love

There are probably more songs written about love than any other emotion -- all the way from Mario Lanza's "Be My Love" to Elvis' "Love Me Tender" and Abba's "What the World Needs Now Is Love". Love could be the most-used four-letter word in the [...]


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