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A group of ordinary people were mastered by the risen Christ moving into them in the Holy Spirit; and thus mastered, they moved out to master their circumstances and their relationships into a miniature Kingdom of God. It is Mastery, within and without... To find [...]

First Give Yourself

Nor [was this gift of theirs merely the contribution] that we expected, but first they gave themselves to the Lord and to us [as His agents] by the will of God -- that is, entirely disregarding their personal interests, they gave as much as they [...]

The Believer’s Identification

During the Civil War a man by the name of George Wyatt was drawn by lot to go to the front. He had a wife and six children. A young man named Richard Pratt offered to go in his stead. He was accepted and joined [...]

A Man in Christ

The heart of Paul's religion is union with Christ. This, more than any other conception -- more than justification, more than sanctification, more even than reconciliation -- is the key which unlocks the secrets of his soul. Within the Holy of Holies which stood revealed [...]

Reckon It as Finished

In God's reckoning, the work of the Cross has been once for all finished. We should always make this distinction. Paul insists we are DEAD TO SIN. From the time of our first knowledge of Christ's redemptive work, and our appropriation by reckoning it ours, [...]

Our Presentation, Then Our Unveiling

What could be more wonderful than to realize that we have been predestined "unto the adoption of sons by Jesus Christ to Himself" (Eph. 1:5). The word "children" in the Authorized Version is out of harmony with Paul's idea of adoption, and so is the [...]


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