Positive Words, Inc. presents...

A Quiet Talk About Jesus’ Birth

2018-11-28T17:38:24-08:00By |5 Comments

Then Jesus came. His coming was greeted with great gladness above, and great silence below. Above, the stars sent a special messenger to bid Him welcome to the earth they lightened and brightened. Below, the rusty hinges of earth's inn [...]

Citizens or family?

2016-10-20T00:12:56-07:00By |2 Comments

Many televangelists talk about the Kingdom of God. One this week is offering a product titled "Benefits of Kingdom Living". When I see this emphasis I feel they still have a little way to go. Would you rather be a [...]

No need for tags

2016-10-20T00:12:57-07:00By |0 Comments

I came across a new tag this week that partly describes my theological position. Whenever someone discovers I am a minister of the gospel, they always ask, "What church are you with?" By that they really mean, "Which denomination?" As [...]

Have an eye-opener from God’s Word!

2019-06-09T18:33:34-07:00By |2 Comments

"Eye-opener: An enlightening or surprising circumstance." In the hymn book of the first three churches I pastored was a hymn by Clara Scott (1841-1897), "Open my eyes that I might see." You might even sing it in your church. A [...]

How to Outperform the Peter Principle

2016-10-20T00:12:57-07:00By |0 Comments

Just in case you think I'm the one who invented the principle, I have to disclaim ownership, and gladly so. The Peter Principle was proclaimed by Dr Lawrence Peter, who said that in a hierarchy every employee tends to rise [...]

What shall I preach about this Sunday?

2018-09-13T23:02:02-07:00By |9 Comments

In our early life as pastors, my wife and I had this thing going every week, usually midweek. I would ask her, "What shall I preach about this Sunday?" and she would give the standard reply... "Preach about God and [...]

Fruit that increases

2012-01-05T16:21:17-08:00By |3 Comments

In this final article on Paul's Prosperity Plan I want to emphasize an illustration he employs in Philippians 4:17, "Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit" (ESV). Notice the word "fruit", [...]

A dangerous root

2016-03-28T12:07:46-07:00By |1 Comment

Another passage relating to Paul's Prosperity Plan is found in I Timothy chapter 6. A friend recently asked me to comment on an online article opposed to the prosperity teaching of a popular TV evangelist, and under the heading of [...]

God takes care of givers

2016-10-20T00:12:57-07:00By |3 Comments

I'm continuing my discussion of Philippians 4:10-19, one of the many passages containing Paul's Prosperity Plan. In the early verses we saw that God always taught that giving produces results. In other words, the incomings will always exceed the outgoings. [...]

Double entry bookkeeping

2016-10-20T00:12:58-07:00By |0 Comments

Another passage that contains Paul's Prosperity Plan is Philippians 4:10-19. I was reminded of this recently when I read in a book the Amplified Bible version of Philippians 4:15: "And you Philippians yourselves well know that in the early days [...]


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