Positive Words, Inc. presents...

Don’t Wait Until Sunday!

2016-10-20T00:12:32-07:00By |5 Comments

I recall the basics of an instance that occurred in our second pastorate in Western Australia. An English couple had started attending the church with their children. One Sunday morning before the service started, I was astonished to see the […]

The Promise of Christmas

2016-10-20T00:12:33-07:00By |3 Comments

God's first promise of the Incarnation is given in His conversation with Satan just after man's sin of High Treason. Genesis 3:15, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he [...]

A Balanced New Creation

2017-01-26T12:10:37-08:00By |2 Comments

One of the great truths I was guided to share with the campers at the Lake Beauty Bible Camp, Minnesota, in 1978, was the need to have a balanced view of new creation realities. Biblical truths can be either in [...]

The Cry for Faith

2016-10-20T00:12:33-07:00By |7 Comments

Daily I am confronted with this heart cry for faith. The one in despondence seeks to find someone who can believe for him. He cannot believe for himself, and yet he has every privilege and every right in the family [...]

“Dead & Alive” Live Seminar report

2016-10-20T00:12:33-07:00By |0 Comments

Recently, Guy Vieira, president of Positive Words, Inc., (the US-based worldwide outreach arm for Peter Wade's teachings and books) and MaryShannon, his wife traveled to Christ's Church in Waldorf, Maryland to present the exciting truths from the book Dead & [...]

Your Word is Like…

2016-10-20T00:12:34-07:00By |2 Comments

I was reading an email the other day from a minister that encourages preachers and teaches preaching styles. The author in a list of his essential books for preaching said about his second choice: "It is a repository of the [...]

Christ Relates to Us

2015-12-04T17:31:51-08:00By |2 Comments

"I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys" (Song of Solomon 2:1). Christ is often likened unto the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys -- common flowers of the field. This expresses His [...]

Tools for the Worker

2019-02-11T17:31:04-08:00By |3 Comments

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15 ESV). Every worker needs the right tools for the task at [...]

God’s Perfect Word

2016-10-20T00:12:34-07:00By |2 Comments

Some people wonder why I am so strongly encourage people to read God’s Word in an essentially literal translation and think about what they read. The answer is really quite simple. Since God is perfect, His Words, like all […]

You and the Box

2016-10-20T00:12:35-07:00By |2 Comments

I want to take one further look at little words in the Bible. Prepositions are marvelous little words because they explain relationships with precision : comparison (like, as); direction (to, toward, through); location/place (in, at, by, on); possession (of); purpose [...]


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