Positive Words, Inc. presents...

Five “new” Verses for 2017

2017-01-25T10:52:40-08:00By |0 Comments

I’ve quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I’ve even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can’t find it online using search engines, I’ll repeat the first and last verse here [...]

A Balanced New Creation

2017-01-26T12:10:37-08:00By |2 Comments

One of the great truths I was guided to share with the campers at the Lake Beauty Bible Camp, Minnesota, in 1978, was the need to have a balanced view of new creation realities. Biblical truths can be either in [...]

The one new man

2015-08-07T16:08:54-07:00By |0 Comments

If this was purely the dream of the man, called "Paul," then he could write novels or dramas such as no Dickens or Shakespeare ever approximated. But it was not the dream of Paul; it was the dream of the [...]


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