One way Jesus Christ expressed the positive power of God was in the field of healing. In fact, you cannot consider the subject of healing without recognizing that Jesus is the foremost exponent of spiritual healing.

While there is a sprinkling of healings in the Old Testament, when we come to the four gospels we find many records of people being healed — some by laying on of hands, others by simply a word, and a few by some quite unusual means!
In Acts 10:38 is a summary of the ministry of Jesus Christ. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all who were oppressed by the devil; for God was with him.” And since we are also told in the Bible that “Jesus Christ

[is] the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), then there is every reason to believe that Bible days can be seen again! There is positive power to heal you!
The first thing we notice in Acts 10:38 is that “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth”. To be anointed was to be set apart for service and to be empowered to carry out the task. Luke 4:38 tells us Jesus was anointed to preach the gospel, and now we find Jesus was anointed to heal the sick. This should be no surprise, for the cure for sin and sickness are linked right through the Bible record. In the same way as Jesus was anointed, every Christian is anointed of God, according to II Corinthians 1:21 and also I John 2:20,27. “And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” (Isaiah 10:27). The yoke of sickness and disease upon humanity can be broken as we recognise our anointing.
Let’s notice the logical order of Acts 10:38. Jesus is first described as being anointed and then he “went about doing good, and healing…” Once you recognise that you have the anointing, then you need to take an action. It is not an action and then ask for the anointing, but it is affirming the anointing and then acting. God wants nothing but the best for those who believe in Him — and that includes health, wealth, and happiness. God is good and does good, and I find it a contradiction to say that God makes people sick. Jesus, the Son of God, fulfilled God’s will on earth, and he “went about doing good, and healing…” Since some 80% of sickness is psychosomatic in origin (that is, we think ourselves into sickness), then attitudinal healing is needed just as much as physical healing.
In almost every occasion when Jesus ministered healing, He first taught the person or people God’s principles — and that is still a valid method today. Since we are New Creations, and have Christ in us, then our “health shall spring forth speedily” (Isaiah 58:8), that is, from the Christ within. He is not sick, and He doesn’t want you to be sick either!
First, recognise the anointing, then take an action, and when you do you will find it challenged by the adversary. Acts 10:38 says that Jesus healed “all who were oppressed by the enemy”. Sickness, then, at its grass-roots level, is an oppression of the enemy of God, Satan. Jesus also taught this when He healed a woman who was bowed over for 38 years. Jesus said that Satan had bound her (Luke 13:16). Sickness is a bondage — most people would agree to that — and it is a bondage which originated in Satan. It seems every healing is always subject to challenge. Satan will say, “You can still feel the pain, so you are not healed.” God says, “By the stripes of Jesus you were healed” (I Peter 2:24). Now who are you going to believe? You, as chairman of You and Yourself Inc., have the casting vote — and you cast it by affirming which statement you believe. It is normal to be challenged; and when you are, you put your mouth where your faith is!
Finally, the Abiding One was with Jesus. The God Who declared Himself as “The Lord that healeth” (Exodus 15:26) was with Jesus every step of the way. And the same is true of you and I, also. God is in Christ in us — wherever we are, God is. So we too can express the positive power of Jesus Christ to heal.