“An angel of the Lord stood by him… saying, Arise quickly!.. So he went out and followed him” (Acts 12:7,9).

There are some who would gladly follow the Lord completely and who understand what it means to be entirely given up to him, but do not see how they can maintain it. They don’t see the hand of God outstretched to lift them up and sustain them; they don’t dare to trust His promise, so they are afraid to start.

In some ways they are like Peter in the prison at Jerusalem. They are in bondage to sin just as he was in bondage to Herod; they know they are chained to the world just as Peter was chained to soldiers on either side. Their prison is dark, and its iron gate shut.

In this situation the gospel comes to them as the angel of the Lord came to Peter while he slept between his keepers — and shakes them, saying, “Get up and follow me.”

But here is the difference: Peter got up, put on his clothes and followed, almost as in a dream. But these people just sit there, still in their chains, and say, “But what about these chains — how will they be broken off? And the soldiers on each side of me — who will protect me from them? And how do I get past the the iron gate and the sentries?”

The difficulties along the way frighten and weaken them. If only they would get up at the call of the gospel and give themselves completely to follow the Lord Jesus, He would go with them. And then, just like Peter in the prison, the way would open up in the light of His presence, every enemy would sleep on, every barrier would swing wide open, and they would step easily and delightedly into a way of happiness and a path of peace.

— William Boardman, The Higher Christian Life (1858).