Positive Words, Inc. presents...

You Can Begin Again

2020-01-06T20:43:58-08:00By |1 Comment

The Word of the Lord for you today is that you can begin again, and I trust that I can get you to see that that's what God has for you. It’s the potential of possibility that is there for [...]

Bible Marking

2019-04-29T06:21:28-07:00By |2 Comments

An old writer said that some books are to be tasted, some to be swallowed, some to be chewed and digested. The Bible is one that you can never finish with. It is like a bottomless well; you can always […]

La Presencia de Cristo

2016-11-28T10:16:52-08:00By |0 Comments

"Pero enseguida Jesús hablo hacia ellos diciendo, Tened ánimo, soy yo; no temáis" (Mateo 14:27).     Todos nosotros hemos tenido acerca del trabajo del bendito Espíritu es dependiente en lo que nosotros pensamos de Jesús, porque este proviene de Cristo Jesús [...]

Die Grashuepfer-Philosophie

2016-11-28T09:59:56-08:00By |0 Comments

Die Psychologie des Selbstimage ist in den vergangenen Jahren unter verschiedenen Namen populaer geworden. Man koennte dieses Prinzip auf diese Weise vereinfachen: "Du bist das, was du glaubst du bist." Es ist ueberhaupt nicht ueberraschend, das uns Gottes Wort mehr [...]

The Grasshopper Philosophy

2019-11-14T17:31:16-08:00By |1 Comment

Self-image psychology has become popular in recent years under a variety of names. A simplification of the principle might go like this: "You are what you think you are." It is not at all surprising to find that God's Word [...]

Good News About God

2016-11-28T10:05:09-08:00By |0 Comments

The apostle Paul, in recounting his ministry to the Christians of his day, said, "I have fully preached the gospel of Christ" (Romans 15:19). That phrase has been ringing inside of me of the past few weeks as I have [...]

It’s As Simple As This

2016-11-27T10:26:45-08:00By |0 Comments

God All In All I have to start with theology, for I have no understanding of man except in his relationship to God. I understand that God is the One Person in the Universe. Besides Him there is no other. [...]

The Influence of “In Christ” Truth

2016-11-27T04:11:23-08:00By |0 Comments

Wouldn't it be great if the Church on earth was like the Church in heaven? Wouldn't it be a blessing if the Church on earth was living as God the Father sees it by imputation? Transformed lives would result and [...]

Figures of Speech

2016-11-27T12:34:09-08:00By |0 Comments

This article is reproduced by permission from Appendix A of the 1970 edition of The Keyword Concordance. It does not appear in the current edition, which is bound with the Concordant Literal New Testament. See also: Figures of Speech by [...]

Christ Is All

2018-12-11T06:01:45-08:00By |1 Comment

In August 1869, J. Hudson Taylor of the China Inland Mission read the book "Christ is All: The Gospel of the Pentateuch" by Henry Law, published in 1867 in London. It was a hardbound book of some 276 pages and [...]


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