Think it over!

God made the sun — it gives.
God made the moon — it gives.
God made the stars — they give.
God made the air — it gives.
God made the clouds — they give.
God made the earth — it gives.
God made the sea — it gives.
God made the trees — they give.
God made the flowers — they give.
God made the fowls — they give.
God made the beasts — they give.
God made the Plan — He gives.
God made man — he … ?

“Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing” (Psalm 145:16).

    Christian giving has dropped around 30 per cent in the last decade in western countries. Why is this?
    Some blame the fall of high-profile television evangelists as the reason why checkbooks remain firmly closed. Others point to the turbulent economic times where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer as the reason for moth-balled wallets. Yet others point to ever-declining church attendance, yet interchurch and non-denominational ministries suffer the same fate as the churches. Why are these things so?
    There seems to be only one answer: Christians have not read their Bibles or been taught God’s provision for their every need. Yes, you may read your Bible but when it comes to finances is it a closed book? God wants to “supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19), but He requires your co-operation.
    Someone has said that when we get as much excitement from giving as we do from receiving, then we are operating God’s principle. When you give, you are not losing something but making an investment in your future. If you do not give, you lose because without the sowing of the seed there can be no harvest.
    So it is time to once again review what God’s positive Word teaches about you and your finances. Below are links to a slide show, articles and books to help you study these truths.

For further study

As with all material on this site by myself and other authors, search “the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11).

This page Copyright © 2000 Peter Wade. The Bible text in this publication, except where otherwise indicated, is from the King James Version. This article appears on the site:

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