As long as I live it shall be a rule engraved on my tongue to bring praise like fruit for an offering and my lips as a sacrificial gift. I will make skillful music with lyre and harp to serve God’s glory, and the flute of my lips will I raise in praise of His rule of righteousness.

Both morning and evening I shall enter into the Covenant of God: and at the end of both I shall recite His commandments, and so long as they continue to exist there will be my frontier and my journey’s end.

Therefore I will bless His name in all I do, before I move hand or foot, whenever I go out or come in, when I sit down and when I rise; even when lying on my couch I will chant His praise.

My lips shall praise Him as I sit at the table which is set for all, and before I lift my hand to partake of any nourishment from the delicious fruits of the earth. When fear and terror come, and there is only anguish and distress, I will still bless and thank Him for His wondrous deeds, and meditate upon His power, and lean upon His mercies all day long. For I know that in His hand is justice for all that live, and all His works are true. So, when trouble comes, or salvation, I praise Him just the same.

Praising God At All Times (Column X), Manual of Discipline, Dead Sea Scrolls