Positive Words, Inc. presents...

About Peter Wade

Peter and Vivien Wade have ministered the Word of God together in pastorates, seminars, and family camps for nearly 60 years and have maintained a web site since 1995. Peter has authored numerous books and ebooks, which are noted for their simplicity and ease of reading even though the subjects can be profound. His writings, videos and audio teachings appear on this site, as does the Wade’s history. Vivien has two paperback collections of poems available, one Christian and the other humorous.

There’s Positive Power in Encouragement

2010-12-31T11:21:38-08:00By |0 Comments

Yes, there is real positive power in a word of encouragement, especially when that word is a statement of truth. Truth encourages -- facts discourage! Each of us needs encouraging words in our daily walk, and Christians should be in [...]

There’s Positive Power to Love

2010-12-31T11:25:25-08:00By |3 Comments

There are probably more songs written about love than any other emotion -- all the way from Mario Lanza's "Be My Love" to Elvis' "Love Me Tender" and Abba's "What the World Needs Now Is Love". Love could be the [...]

There’s Positive Power in Forgiveness

2010-12-31T11:26:10-08:00By |1 Comment

"God anointed Jesus... with power" (Acts 10:38), and there must surely be no greater expression of that power than in forgiveness. And we humans have no greater need than to tap into that power. Real, active forgiveness is ours in [...]

There’s Positive Power in Jesus Christ

2010-12-31T11:28:33-08:00By |0 Comments

Christ is the key that unlocks every book of the Bible. Christ is the very heart of Christianity. And the Christ that we serve and worship is shown to be a positive and powerful Son of God. Our witness to [...]

Praying With Anticipation

2010-12-31T11:30:00-08:00By |0 Comments

While the little child soon learns the secret of asking and receiving, and the parents delight in meeting that child's needs, it is obvious that things have to change as the child grows and develops. Long before the child becomes [...]

How to Survive a Catastrophe

2019-05-15T23:14:28-07:00By |3 Comments

There is no shortage of catastrophes in the world at this time: famine, earthquakes, industrial accidents, air crashes, wars, assassinations -- the list is almost endless. And on a personal level there are sickness and disease, lost jobs, divorces, car [...]

I Choose…

2016-10-20T00:13:06-07:00By |0 Comments

Recently I came across these positive words in my reading: "I choose to concentrate on the potential of God's perfection within each of us, rather than to concentrate on ways in which we may have missed the mark of His [...]

Why Pray When You Can Worry?

2016-10-20T00:13:06-07:00By |1 Comment

The truth is that some people get more satisfaction out of worry than they do out of prayer. But of course that is not true in a positive church such as yours! I read these words this week: "Some persons, [...]

Christ Is My Supply

2016-10-20T00:13:06-07:00By |0 Comments

Jesus Christ, the miracle worker, is my supply, and abundance overflows into every area of my life. How do we think about supply? If there does not seem to be enough money to meet demands, do we think in terms [...]

Completely Satisfied

2010-12-31T11:51:41-08:00By |0 Comments

The Bible works for those who believe it will. Every time you read a verse, and meditate on it, God will make some aspect of it come alive to you. This is why the Bible is described in Hebrews 4:12 [...]


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