Jesus Christ, the miracle worker, is my supply, and abundance overflows into every area of my life.

How do we think about supply? If there does not seem to be enough money to meet demands, do we think in terms of somehow stretching the little we have? Why not stretch our thinking, stretch our consciousness, stretch our concept of supply?

This affirmation is a mind stretcher. If we have thought mostly in terms of receiving more supply to meet our needs, why not think about giving? We make way for supply by giving — giving of what we have, giving of our abilities and talents, giving of our time and energy, our love and appreciation. We cannot give without receiving. This is the principle.

Our every need is provided for us by the miracle worker, Jesus Christ, “the same yesterday, today, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). The One who fed the five thousand and paid His taxes by coins from the mouth of a fish, is still in business today. And there is plenty for all.

This is the truth about us, this is the truth about all people. It may seem like a strong statement when we consider the people who are in need of employment, of money to meet bills and daily necessities. But there is plenty for all, for our supply comes from God and is inexhaustible.

If we need more supply, that supply is forthcoming. The energy we expend brings us supply. The love we share attracts supply. The order we establish in our lives and affairs brings supply. The joy of giving and receiving keeps supply flowing.

I may not see how some need is to be met, but I know that God has many channels through which supply flows, many avenues through which supply comes, many doors that open to success. I do not limit God. I keep myself open and receptive to receive the needed supply. I expect my needs to be met.

Jesus said that we are not to be anxious about our lives. The Father knows what we need and all these things will be ours as we look to God as our source and follow His guidance in seeking fulfillment for our needs.

I deny thoughts of lack and affirm that abundance is everywhere manifest. I fill my mind with a consciousness of divine abundance that is always ready to come forth. When others talk of lack, I affirm abundance all the more persistently. I have faith in the bounty of God. I see substance everywhere and affirm its presence not only for myself but for everyone else. Plenty is here, all around us, and when we open our spiritual eyes, we see it and rejoice.

Let your every thought be a thought of plenty, of abundance. Let your every word, your every action, your every response to life be based on your assurance of God’s abun- dance. This ensures your prosperity and helps you to help others who are seeking prosperity. Give thanks today, knowing that Jesus Christ, the miracle worker, is your supply, and abundance overflows into every area of your life.

Every day, every moment, every hour, free gifts from God are showered upon me in abundance. I pause for a few moments today to consider the magnitude of my blessings, to realise how all-encompassing is God’s good, and to give thanks for all that is lovely, inspiring, and enjoyable in my life. God loves me and God looks after me. I am richly blessed. Thank you, God, for the overflowing abundance in every area of my life

This affirmation is true, not because you repeat it daily, but because it is so. It is a statement of truth based upon the positive Word of God. Saying it does not change the truth of it, but it does change your awareness of the truth. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). “Let the weak say, I am strong” (Joel 3:10). Take this affirmation, apply the principle of giving and receiving, and enjoy prosperity!