I love junk food — McDonald’s french fries, Auntie Anne’s pretzels, and almost any kind of pizza! If I’m not careful, though, I will gain unwanted pounds while getting zero nutrition. Many Christians seem to eat spiritually the way I am tempted to eat physically.

They fill up on “junk food” — Christian books, CDs, TV programs, seminars, and all sorts of church activities–none of these are bad, really, but they lead to a sickly spiritual state if consumed apart from the true Bread of Life. We need the real nutritional “food” that will be served one day at the Wedding Supper referred to in Revelation 19:9, food that we can partake of right now as we dig into God’s Living Word.
For the past 17 years, as I have criss-crossed America, speaking at various conferences and churches, I have become convinced of one thing: the average church member is desperately hungry for God’s Word. While we read books about it and hear sermons based on it, we are sadly devoid of it in our daily lives. When life begins to unravel, we don’t know how to access its power and truth in a relevant way. As a result, thousands of us have spirits that are shriveling.
Several years ago a good friend of mine visited what had been a poverty-stricken country in Africa. As she flew in, she looked down on miles of African veldt covered by what looked like long, green waves of grass. She asked her hosts about the lush vegetation. With obvious joy, they explained that the crop she had seen was a newly discovered plant called “naroo” that adapted easily to the climate and soil. Within a few short years, they expected naroo to be the main staple of their diets.
But when my friend revisited that country a few years later, she was shocked to see miles of dry, barren land. She asked what had happened. Sadly, her hosts told her how the naroo had indeed become the main food of the local people, but they discovered it had no nutritional value. As a result, hundreds of people had starved to death–with their stomachs full!
Those African people could symbolize the spirituality of many church members… today. We have made the main staples of our spiritual diets things that offer little nutritional value–political agendas, Christian entertainment, and marketing strategies for the local church.
While you and I can certainly enjoy an occasional helping of “junk food”, our primary source of sustenance must be prayer and the Word of God. Take a moment right now to examine your spiritual diet. What changes do you need to make in order to eat right?