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Do You have anything to say to me?

In the spring of 1926, I made another visit to Saint Louis, reaching there the first day of May. On the following Thursday, May 6, while in prayer at the Moise home, I asked the Lord if He had anything He would like to say [...]

Now is the time

While everything comes in God's order, now is the day of salvation from all that is outside of Jesus and unlike Jesus, and now is the time to begin to appreciate all the wealth of love, peace, joy, release, and redemption that are in Jesus. [...]

Simple Intimacy

Intimacy means that we live every moment of our lives in Him, allowing His wisdom to shape our thoughts and watching Him work in us and unfold His will for us. Two important aspects of intimacy will help us keep his presence out of the [...]

To Heal The Sick

This is what God wants every believer to do: just step out in faith and begin laying hands on the sick, and believe they are going to recover. Do you know why I expect the sick to recover when I lay hands on them? Because [...]

The Core of Christianity

The core of Christianity is not theology. It is a Person, a Being of agape love, a love that is incomprehensible to the finite mind. It took me years to work my way through the mazes of conflicting evangelical theologies, and find the person of [...]

In Christ, Christ In

The often-repeated prepositional phrases "in Christ," "in Him," , and "in the beloved" all mean that our soul is in union with God. They indicate that we are right now "alive in Christ." Every aspect of Christian ministry is dependent upon this glorious truth because [...]

What is eternal life?

What is eternal life? Is it a place that you are going to when you are dead? Is it a peculiar feeling inside? If you were to ask a normal congregation, or any sort of Bible class or Sunday school in an evangelical church to [...]

Faith: The Key to Success

The one word which has stood out pre-eminently before us these years has been "faith". We found full authority in the Scriptures for a strong emphasis upon it. Outstandingly is this so in Hebrews 11, where every life of notable achievement in the Bible is [...]

The One Necessary Thing

"That I may know Him... Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do... one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her" (Philippians 3:10,13 and Luke 10:42). Paul's goal [...]

The Two Positions

The biggest little word and the most ubiquitous in Ephesians is the word "in." It is a preposition denoting position. God's Word gives our position precedence over our condition, because where we are determines what we are. Much of spiritual defeat and failure lies in [...]


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