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Paul’s View of Christ

The Jerusalem Church made a basic distinction between the person of Christ before and after Pentecost. All of their background and training dealt with Jesus as the Messiah. They continued to accept only the Jesus of history. The new Christianity, based on Gentiles -- for [...]

“Yes, but there is God”

The thing that helped me personally more than anything else to come to a conviction that God was really enough for me was an experience I had some years ago. It was at a time in my religious life when I was passing through a [...]

Perfect Light

God is revealing himself (1) as Nature and natural law; (2) as Spirit and as moral law; and (3) as Jesus Christ of the Cross and of the Resurrection. There is the light of the sun in natural laws, the light of the soul in [...]

10 Things You Can Learn from Noah’s Ark

1. Don't miss the boat. 2. Remember that we are all in the same boat. 3. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. 4. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big. 5. Don't [...]

Profession or Possession?

The Bible is a very realistic book. It describes human behavior as it is. It doesn't look through rose-tinted glasses and conclude that everyone is on God's side. Rather it carefully distinguishes between those who are only nominal followers of Christ and those who are [...]

Thriving Outside the Box

I have never been able to enjoy looking at a bird in a cage, even if it is a nice cage. While it may provide a safe haven and contain all the food and water she will ever need it also prevents her from doing [...]

Guerrilla Warfare

One of our great difficulties, after we know who we are, is that under satanic pressure we so soon forget our position. For although Satan knows what Christ did to him at Calvary and through the Resurrection, and realizes that as a part of Christ [...]

Living Indoors

There is only one way to conquer your five senses, and that is by inward recollection. Or, to put it another way, the only way to conquer your five senses is by "living indoors": turning your soul completely inward to your spirit, there to possess [...]

Spending Hours in Prayer

I used to think there was great virtue in spending hours in prayer. I still believe there is if it is the right kind, but my idea of prayer has changed completely. Scriptural prayer is not begging, crying, pleading; that doesn't get us anywhere. It [...]

As Long As I Live

As long as I live it shall be a rule engraved on my tongue to bring praise like fruit for an offering and my lips as a sacrificial gift. I will make skillful music with lyre and harp to serve God's glory, and the flute [...]


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