Positive Words, Inc. presents...


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God Always Says “Yes”

There is a great affirmative Power within every human form. There is an All-Knowing Presence within us that always says "Yes!" It is that something that has kept every man on the path toward some goal since the beginning of time. It is the power [...]

God’s Plan in Your Life

God has never yet asked any man to make a plan for Him -- never! You will never find anywhere that God says, 'Please plan My work for Me, please arrange things for Me, please provide Me with a schedule'. God has never done that. [...]

Luck and the Christian

This week my thoughts have been on Psalm 90:10, which in the King James Version states: "The days of our years are threescore years and then; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it [...]

You Are Created for Worship

The reason is, worship is not something you do; worship is who God created you to be. God is after you -- not your worship songs. God doesn't need your songs. He wants you to be the song. He wants you to be the worship. [...]

Absolutely Free

The unconditionality of God's grace is what distinguishes God's saving Word so sharply from the word of man. How plainly this comes through in a text: "And the Spirit and the bride say, `Come!' And let him who hears say, `Come!' And let him who [...]

Farmer or Miner?

The concept of sowing and reaping is an important aspect of giving. Unfortunately, it has become so distorted in recent years that many people have missed out on the intended meaning. Look at what the apostle Paul says about the law of harvest -- and [...]

Rejoice in the Lord

It is a bright, sunny morning, but the sunshine without is as nothing to the sunshine within. He has taught me something of what is meant by "Rejoice in the Lord"; and rejoice I must, and rejoice I do. I want you too to have [...]

The Inner Knowing

Don't try anything, for once again that is this old "self-effort stuff" we have died to. No, I keep doing my part, which is constantly affirming that what the Scriptures have said about my union with Christ is fact. I have been and am crucified [...]

Free To Choose

The Spirit-filled walk is neither characterized by license nor legalism, but liberty. Paul stated that we are "servants of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life... Now the Lord is the Spirit; [...]

Union with Jesus Christ

Having established that to be "in Christ" is to be personally united to him, there are several important aspects of this union with him which we need to consider at once. First, union with Christ is indispensable to our Christian identity. That is, nobody is [...]


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