The fact is, that as to ourselves, we but little realize the truth of God’s presence with us and in us, and thus failing to walk with God, we are taken by surprise by many of the events which happen to us, and we do not meet our difficulties and trials in the steady assurance that they are all appointed of the Father, and that we have Christ with us to help us to bear them, to make us more than conquerors in them, or to give us deliverance out of them.

Our faith is too much kept, as it were, for great occasions, or for the question of our salvation only; and the exercise of it in the ordinary occupations of life, the habit of living by faith, is comparatively unknown to us. But surely one great purpose of God in giving us the history of our Lord’s life on earth is that we may see in Him the blessed example of living active faith, and cease-less trust in the Father, and that we may follow His steps.

And one object of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost is, that we may have God always with us and in us, to strengthen, to help, to comfort, and to guide us ; so that we may live our life in the flesh, by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave Himself for us. There are three principal spheres for the exercise of our faith—our own hearts, our houses, and the church of God ; and we shall find, that in proportion as we cultivate the presence of Christ in either of these three spheres, so shall we find Him with us in the other two.

From the book Crumbs for the Lord’s Little Ones, Anon. (1853).