Jesus said that He was the “Bread of Life.” He also said: “I am the true bread which came down from heaven” The world still looks on, and of Christ and the Word of God they are saying, “What is it?”

The true believer is he that can use the word in the Chaldean sense and say, concerning the Word of God: “It is a portion,” and concerning Christ Himself, “He is a portion.” What kind of portion was the manna to this army of pilgrims? It was a:

Sufficient Portion. There was enough for all and no lack.

Suitable Portion. It suited every palate, young and old alike, also the weak and the strong. The Jews say, “It tasted to every man as he pleased.”

Satisfying Portion. No man ever went hungry. “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger; but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.”

Strengthening Portion. It made strong men of them. They were able to journey in a desert, to work, and to fight.

Sustaining Portion. On it they lived for forty years. It must have been very nutritious.
Sure Portion. It never failed.

Cannot all this be said of Christ Jesus our Lord? He suits all classes, all nationalities, all ages, yea, all men everywhere. He certainly satisfies those who trust Him. “All that I want is in Jesus, he satisfies, joy He supplies. Life would be worthless without Him. All things in Jesus I find.” He also strengthens His followers for life and service. He will sustain us all through life’s journey and will never fail.

Joshua tells us that there was an overlap in the supply of manna. “And the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the old corn of the land” (Joshua 5:12). Christ is not only our supply in life but He will take us through until we get right into the heavenly land to feast upon “hidden manna” (Revelation 2:17a).