Jesus the Healer
"If it were not for this thing you call sin-consciousness, I would have faith. If I had faith, I would have my healing. But the Word does not seem real to me. I read it, and I say, 'By His [...]
"If it were not for this thing you call sin-consciousness, I would have faith. If I had faith, I would have my healing. But the Word does not seem real to me. I read it, and I say, 'By His [...]
When I first heard that believers were enjoying an experience called the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, it was some 50 years after the noted Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles in 1906. I was taught that the way to [...]
One of the principles of interpretation of the Bible (Bible hermeneutics) is the law of first mention. Dr. F.E. Marsh (a Baptist pastor) in his excellent work The Structural Principles of the Bible, defines it this way: "The first time [...]
My wife Vivien has been on my case to sort through stacks of magazines and papers that I have not touched for decades. I admit to coming from a long line of "Steptoe and Son" hoarders and have reduced the [...]
I'm writing this in the Easter week but it applies all year long! The reason for Easter in simple terms was to make a legal way for God to forgive people's sins so that they would be fit to join [...]
There is a wonderful Southern Gospel group of seniors named The Social Security Boys (really!), and they sing a song with the above title, "Pilgrims Making Progress." Listen to it on YouTube and visit their website for their signature song. [...]
Thank God that He can cause the fallen sons of Adam to stand! In I Corinthians 15:1 the Apostle Paul writes of "the gospel ... wherein ye stand," and in Romans 5:2 of "this grace wherein we stand," while in [...]
I recall during our third pastorate that the sponsoring pastor of the "church plant" and I often spoke on the telephone on Mondays and shared our "war stories" of the previous day's services. This was in the era of the [...]
In evangelical churches when I was growing up, a favorite hymn was "Showers of Blessing", written by Daniel Whittle and first published in 1883. He was greatly influenced by D.L. Moody's ministry and became an evangelist. The song was the [...]
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, O what a foretaste of glory divine... Perfect submission, all is at rest; I in my Savior am happy and blest! Fanny Crosby, 1873 Fanny Crosby got it right when she wrote that what we [...]