Positive Words, Inc. presents...

The Fullness of My Faith

2016-10-20T00:13:07-07:00By |0 Comments

The great faith chapter, Hebrews 11, is interesting not only because of those heroes of faith who get a mention, but also because of those who do not. While verse 32 makes it obvious that sufficient illustrations of faith had [...]

The Fulfillment of My Faith

2020-09-29T00:28:28-07:00By |0 Comments

Faith produces certainties -- not hope so, maybe, if you're lucky, answers. There is a sureness, a divine guarantee, an absoluteness about faith. The Bible declares that faith is the victory that overcomes the world (I John 5:4). When you [...]

The Foresight of My Faith

2016-10-20T00:13:07-07:00By |2 Comments

I admire the space scientists of our day, who make possible the thrilling space journeys of the astronauts. If there is one thing they have in common, that is to think ahead and foresee every possibility. Architects also have that [...]

The Foundation of My Faith

2016-10-20T00:13:07-07:00By |1 Comment

Some people have faith in Ford cars; some folk have faith in Qantas; others always fly United! We can have faith in a lot of things, and so it is important to establish just where is the foundation to our [...]

The Framework of My Faith

2016-10-20T00:13:08-07:00By |1 Comment

Life offers many opportunities that demand that we go back to the grass-roots of our faith - sickness, death in the family, loss of our job, and so on. When these kind of situations arise, and many smaller challenges also, [...]

You Can Do That!

2016-10-20T00:13:08-07:00By |0 Comments

I was sitting in the third balcony of the Civic Auditorium in Portland, Oregon. Rev. William Branham was preaching. I was a visiting pastor. Following his message, a long line of people passed before him for his prayers for healing. [...]

God’s Dwelling Place

2016-10-20T00:13:08-07:00By |2 Comments

"How lovely are Your dwelling places, .0 Lord of hosts!" (Psalm 84:1). I believe in life after death -- because I'm already living it! Spiritually, I am living a resurrected life. I am already fully and perfectly saved, fully alive [...]

Cats and Dogs

2017-02-06T16:35:19-08:00By |0 Comments

A dog says: "You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, You must be God." A cat says: "You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God." It's very [...]

Trying to earn points

2016-10-20T00:13:08-07:00By |0 Comments

"Wayne, I have come to realize that I have been trying to earn points with someone who was no longer keeping score." In his situation I cannot imagine more painful words. My heart broke for him, and we spent the [...]

Your New Identity

2016-10-20T00:13:09-07:00By |0 Comments

Noted author Neil Anderson told me last year that he had done some counting in his Bible.    He found 330 places where unsaved people are called sinners.    He found 240 places where saved people are called saints.   But he found exactly [...]


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