I was sitting in the third balcony of the Civic Auditorium in Portland, Oregon. Rev. William Branham was preaching. I was a visiting pastor. Following his message, a long line of people passed before him for his prayers for healing.

He stopped a deaf and dumb child and, placing his fingers to her ears, said: “Thou deaf and dumb spirit, I adjure thee in the Name of Jesus Christ, leave the child and enter her no more.”

He spoke so calmly, but with such absolute certainty. The child was perfectly healed. How these words rang in my soul! “I adjure thee in the Name of Jesus Christ!” I had never heard a man pray like that. He had no question. He spoke softly, yet with such irresistible force. There was indisputable authority in his voice.

He invoked the Name of Jesus and a demon was compelled to obey. I saw the Name of Jesus demonstrated. It changed my life.

Jesus was alive. He was on the platform. I could not see Him but when Brother Branham invoked His Name, He was there. He backed up that command.

I saw Jesus in His Name that night. A thousand voices whirled over my head as I sat there weeping. They said: “You can do that! You can do that! That is what Peter and Paul did! That proves the Bible is good today! You can do that!”

“Yes!” I said. “I can do that! Jesus is alive! He is here! He is with me! I can use His Name! I can cast out devils. Yes, I can do that!”

I walked out of that auditorium a new man. Jesus and I were walking together. I could use His Name and compel devils to come out and diseases to die. I could speak in His Name. Jesus would do the miracle. No demon or disease would resist His authority.

I was in a new world — a child of the Kingdom. I had full authority. Back of me was Jesus. When I would speak in His Name, no demon or disease would resist my order because they would be under His ultimatum when I would use HIS Name.

For years now I have proclaimed His Name around the world. I have beheld the glory of Jesus Christ by exalting His Name among the heathen. In every campaign we have conducted overseas, the Lord Jesus Christ has appeared at least once, and ofttimes repeatedly.

“Wherefore God also bath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every Name: that at the Name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in heaven (angels), and things in earth (men), and things under the earth (demons)” (Philippians 2:9-11). Demons, diseases and circumstances are all subject to this Name.

The Name of Jesus is the majestic Name above every name. The Father has willed it. The Holy Ghost bears witness to it. And countless miracles give testimony to the dominion of this Name.

Some years ago, a group of hymnbook publishers selected the hymn, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” as the grand anthem of the church. We can all hail the power or Jesus’ Name for it is through His Name that we have, (1) Salvation for our souls, (2) Healing for our bodies, (3) Victory over the forces of Satan, and (4) Access to the Father in prayer.

Take your place. Use the Name. It belongs to you. It is the Family Name. YOU belong to Jesus. YOU are born into His Kingdom. Delight the Father by being bold and by possessing your rights. Claim your own inheritance, then set other captives free. YOU CAN DO THAT.

“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him” (Colossians 3:17).