Positive Words, Inc. presents...

Lessons from the Great Physician

2017-02-22T10:45:21-08:00By |0 Comments

The Great Physician now is near, The sympathising Jesus; He speaks the drooping heart to cheer, Oh heard the voice of Jesus. Refrain: Sweetest note in seraph song, Sweetest name on mortal tongue; Sweetest carol ever sung, Jesus, blessed Jesus. [...]

700 Leftie Snipers

2017-01-25T16:23:16-08:00By |0 Comments

My dad was born left-handed, or cack-handed as they say in his native England. In the US he'd probably be called a southpaw. I did not inherit that particular gene or trait. I read that about 10% of the population [...]

Five “new” Verses for 2017

2017-01-25T10:52:40-08:00By |0 Comments

I’ve quoted my favorite poem about the New Year many times, and I’ve even used it on printed calendars in decades passed. But since I can’t find it online using search engines, I’ll repeat the first and last verse here [...]

Miracles of Healing

2016-10-29T00:11:36-07:00By |5 Comments

Among the varied ways in which miracles are manifested, I must include the many records of miracles involving the healing of the physical body. Like other miracles, healing originates from within. "If [since] the Spirit of him who raised Jesus [...]

My Words Will Not Pass Away

2018-08-03T21:36:15-07:00By |0 Comments

I'm continuing to look at the exciting book of I Thessalonians and what it says about God's Word, and now we are ready for chapter 2. "We had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God" [...]

Authentic Christians

2017-10-05T20:20:25-07:00By |0 Comments

The two letters to the Thessalonians teach us much about the second coming of Christ. Yet they also teach us much about the Word of God. Of course, without the Bible we would not know anything about the second coming! [...]

I’m Excited About Thessalonians

2018-06-04T22:04:21-07:00By |0 Comments

Paul wrote letters to only seven churches, which is quite surprising as he founded churches in most of the cities he visited during his three missionary journeys of possibly around 10 years of travel. I haven't counted the number of [...]

D.L. Moody writes…

2016-10-20T00:12:25-07:00By |0 Comments

While looking through some papers I once read this wonderful description of Christ. I do not know where it originally came from; but it was so fresh to my soul that I should like to give it to you: "Christ [...]

Get Those Graveclothes Off!

2018-08-03T21:32:16-07:00By |5 Comments

Ephesians 2:4 is one of the most positive verses in the Bible. Set against a dark background (verses 1-3), the light of God shines forth. "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he [...]

You Crazy Galatians!

2018-08-03T21:33:18-07:00By |5 Comments

I might have titled this study "The Case for Grace," because Paul gives his proof of the need for grace. "I do not set aside the grace of God for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in [...]


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