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“Him who knew no sin God made to be sin on our behalf; that we might become the righteousness of God in him.”
We know the first part is true. But is the last part true?
Are we to become Righteous in the present life, or are we to become Righteous after death?
Is this Righteousness simply “reckoned” to us, or do we become Righteous in Him?
Is this Redemption metaphysical or is it a reality? Is Jude 24 to be depended upon? “Now unto him that is able to guard you from stumbling, and to set you before the presence of his glory without blemish in exceeding joy.”
Is that presence, of which He speaks here, before which we are to be set with exceeding joy — is that after death or is it now?
It seems very clear to me that we live in His presence now, that we walk in His presence now.
If He cannot present us “now” before His presence with exceeding joy, He certainly cannot present us before the presence of the Father after death with exceeding joy.
If it requires death to cleanse us from sin, we are left in an unhappy dilemma.
Death is of the Devil. It would indicate that God in His Redemption was unable to give us victory, that He needed the Devil to complete His redemptive work.
I believe that what the Scripture says about us is absolutely true, that God Himself is now our very Righteousness, and that we are the Righteousness of God in Him.
I am convinced that we are partakers of the Divine Nature. There is no condemnation to us who “walk in the light as He is in the light.”
The whole teaching of the modern church in regard to separation from the world is vague and illusive.
One branch of the church has taught that after we are Born Again we still have the “fallen nature” in us. That is the sin nature that came into Adam at the Fall. What does this mean?
This Scripture will explain it. John 8:44, “Ye are of your father the devil.”
It is Satan’s nature. Satan has imparted to man his own nature.
They acknowledge the fact that God has provided a New Birth but that His New Birth is a flat failure.
The only thing He can do is to give us Eternal Life and forgive us. He cannot take the old nature out of us.
The whole thing is absurd. It is not true. It is not the Word.