Positive Words, Inc. presents...

What is eternal life?

2016-10-20T00:13:11-07:00By |0 Comments

What is eternal life? Is it a place that you are going to when you are dead? Is it a peculiar feeling inside? If you were to ask a normal congregation, or any sort of Bible class or Sunday school [...]

Faith: The Key to Success

2016-10-20T00:13:11-07:00By |0 Comments

The one word which has stood out pre-eminently before us these years has been "faith". We found full authority in the Scriptures for a strong emphasis upon it. Outstandingly is this so in Hebrews 11, where every life of notable [...]

The Two Positions

2019-02-11T18:45:51-08:00By |0 Comments

The biggest little word and the most ubiquitous in Ephesians is the word "in." It is a preposition denoting position. God's Word gives our position precedence over our condition, because where we are determines what we are. Much of spiritual [...]

Paul’s View of Christ

2019-02-11T22:04:39-08:00By |1 Comment

The Jerusalem Church made a basic distinction between the person of Christ before and after Pentecost. All of their background and training dealt with Jesus as the Messiah. They continued to accept only the Jesus of history. The new Christianity, [...]

“Yes, but there is God”

2016-10-20T00:13:12-07:00By |0 Comments

The thing that helped me personally more than anything else to come to a conviction that God was really enough for me was an experience I had some years ago. It was at a time in my religious life when [...]

Profession or Possession?

2016-10-20T00:13:12-07:00By |0 Comments

The Bible is a very realistic book. It describes human behavior as it is. It doesn't look through rose-tinted glasses and conclude that everyone is on God's side. Rather it carefully distinguishes between those who are only nominal followers of [...]

Thriving Outside the Box

2016-10-20T00:13:12-07:00By |0 Comments

I have never been able to enjoy looking at a bird in a cage, even if it is a nice cage. While it may provide a safe haven and contain all the food and water she will ever need it [...]

Spending Hours in Prayer

2016-10-20T00:13:12-07:00By |2 Comments

I used to think there was great virtue in spending hours in prayer. I still believe there is if it is the right kind, but my idea of prayer has changed completely. Scriptural prayer is not begging, crying, pleading; that [...]

As Long As I Live

2016-10-20T00:13:13-07:00By |0 Comments

As long as I live it shall be a rule engraved on my tongue to bring praise like fruit for an offering and my lips as a sacrificial gift. I will make skillful music with lyre and harp to serve [...]

God Always Says “Yes”

2016-10-20T00:13:13-07:00By |1 Comment

There is a great affirmative Power within every human form. There is an All-Knowing Presence within us that always says "Yes!" It is that something that has kept every man on the path toward some goal since the beginning of [...]


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