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He Never Leaves Us
"I will never leave thee nor forsake thee" (Hebrews 13:5b). Let every believer grasp these words and store them up in his heart. Keep them ready, and have them fresh in your memory; you will want them one day. The Philistines will be upon you, [...]
Are you pressed beyond measure?
Let me ask you this question: Are you pressed beyond measure? Are you pressed above strength? Have you come to the place in your life where you say, "It's all right for other people, but somehow it won't work in my case... What's the use [...]
Marvellous Manna
Jesus said that He was the "Bread of Life." He also said: "I am the true bread which came down from heaven" The world still looks on, and of Christ and the Word of God they are saying, "What is it?" The true believer is [...]
Transition and Transfusion
The true Christian life, which begins with a supernatural transition, consists and continues in a supernatural transfusion. The very life and nature of Christ are transfused into the innermost being of the Christian believer by the Holy Spirit. Thus our Saviour's word is fulfilled: "Because [...]
Say “Hallelujah!”
There are four "Hallelujah Psalms" closing the Book of Psalms. They begin and end with "Hallelujah!" I say, brother, sister, do you ever give the Lord a real, good, hearty, and reverent Hallelujah? Or are you afraid to hear your own voice saying it? And [...]
Theoretical Christian, Practical Atheist
The inheritance that is ours in Christ Jesus--our total forgiveness, righteousness, sanctification, and gift of eternal life through the indwelling Holy Spirit belongs to every child of God. It is literally true that we have received every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ [...]
“Glove, pick up this Bible”
I may say to a glove, "Glove, pick up this Bible," and yet, somehow, the glove cannot do it. It has got a thumb and fingers, the shape and form of a hand, and yet it is unable to do the thing I command it [...]
How did you turn it off?
I said to the Master, "How do I turn on the power of God?" The Master said, "How did you turn it off?" Then I saw that if the power of God should be turned off even for a moment, the universe would crash to [...]
Strengthened by Grace
Great strength is necessary for living as God intends. The grace of our Lord Jesus is where that strength is to be found. "Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus"(II Timothy 2:1). Some of the specific reasons why we need strength are [...]
They first gave themselves
God's grace was so effective that the Macedonians didn't only give a financial gift "but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us" (II Corinthians 8:5). Their response to grace was absolute devotion to God. They first [...]