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Arise quickly

"An angel of the Lord stood by him... saying, Arise quickly!.. So he went out and followed him" (Acts 12:7,9). There are some who would gladly follow the Lord completely and who understand what it means to be entirely given up to him, but do [...]

God takes care of givers

I'm continuing my discussion of Philippians 4:10-19, one of the many passages containing Paul's Prosperity Plan. In the early verses we saw that God always taught that giving produces results. In other words, the incomings will always exceed the outgoings. In business this is called [...]

It has to start here

"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation" (II Corinthians 5:17). The gospel proclaims a new creation: a new tree -- union with a new root -- being grafted on to a new stock. This is not to improve the old, but to [...]

Double entry bookkeeping

Another passage that contains Paul's Prosperity Plan is Philippians 4:10-19. I was reminded of this recently when I read in a book the Amplified Bible version of Philippians 4:15: "And you Philippians yourselves well know that in the early days of the Gospel ministry, when [...]

Paul’s Prosperity Plan part 2

Be sure to read the first part of this article! Let's go on to II Corinthians chapter 9. "But I want it to be a willing gift, not one given under pressure" (9:5 NLT; I've used the NLT as the KJV uses words no longer [...]

God’s Presence

The fact is, that as to ourselves, we but little realize the truth of God's presence with us and in us, and thus failing to walk with God, we are taken by surprise by many of the events which happen to us, and we do [...]

Paul’s Prosperity Plan

Many writers have pointed out that Jesus spoke more about money than He did about heaven. Paul was not too far behind, with two full chapters on giving plus significant statements in seven other epistles. With so much nonsense and deception being displayed by some [...]

Are you being misled?

There are a lot of people who still feel more comfortable in religious Christianity if they are told to do something. There is something within our inherent nature that we feel we must always do something, especially when an authority figure is doing the telling. [...]

“He ain’t never done me nothin’ but good”

The title comes from the chorus of Dottie Rambo's song, recorded by numerous artists over the years. The "He" refers to God and the first verse recounts the story of Job, the second the author's life as a Christian, and the third Polycarp, an early [...]

Christ in You

A faith that merely says "Christ died" is little or nothing. A faith that says "Christ died for me" (and says nothing more) is good, but still embraces only part of the Truth, and so will keep life in the member, but not a healthy [...]


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